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通过结合 SE051 和 ATmega324P 来保护您的资产


SE051 Plug&Trust Click with EasyAVR v7

已发布 6月 24, 2024


SE051 Plug&Trust Click


EasyAVR v7


NECTO Studio








SE051 Plug&Trust Click基于NXP半导体的SE051C2,是一个即插即用的物联网安全元件解决方案,提供了IC级别的信任根,并在盒子外给予物联网系统最先进的边缘到云端安全能力。它拥有独立的Common Criteria EAL 6+安全认证,支持RSA和ECC非对称加密算法,具有高密钥长度和未来证明的ECC曲线。设计用于最新的物联网安全需求,允许安全存储、提供凭据,并执行加密操作,用于安全关键的通信和控制功能。SE051C2代表了一个一揽子解决方案,具有Java Card操作系统和一个针对物联网安全用例进行优化的可更新预安装应用程序。除了可更新的物联网应用程序外,它还具有SEMS Lite和PERSO应用程序,提供了IoT应用程序的可升级性,同时保留了设备上的凭据并重新配置SE051设备的可能性。SEMS Lite代表了

一种基于GlobalPlatform的安全元素管理服务(SEMS)的子集的能力,针对物联网用例进行了优化。这个Click板通过标准的I2C 2-Wire接口与MCU进行通信。除了与主控制器的强制连接之外,这个Click板可以通过标有I2C主机的1x4母头上的独立I2C接口引脚与传感器节点或类似元素可选连接。在这种情况下,SE051C2设备是控制器设备,传感器节点代表目标。该板还允许用户通过标记为I2C速度的表面贴装装置跳线选择适当的I2C通信速度,将其设置到400Kb和1Mb标记的合适位置。注意,所有跳线必须排成同一侧,否则Click板可能会变得无响应。此外,SE051C2提供了一种特殊的省电模式,提供最大的省电。通过标有ENA SEL的板载开关实现此模式的激活。通过这种方式,可以通过mikroBUS™插座上的EN引脚来激活省电模

式,主要是通过将开关置于ENA位置,然后将EN引脚拉至逻辑零电平。将开关放置在标记为ON的第二个位置时,SE051C2处于正常操作模式。在I2C模式下,RST引脚没有功能。只有在启用ISO7816接口时(在通用SE051配置中未启用),它才能作为外部复位源使用。此外,SE051 Plug&Trust Click具有一个板载天线(通过一个标有ANTENNA的开关连接到SE051C2,允许通过将其设置为适当的ON或OFF位置来激活天线本身,从而提供了与外部设备(如智能手机)的无线接口(ISO14443)。这个Click板只能从3.3V逻辑电压级别操作。因此,使用具有不同逻辑电压的MCU之前,必须进行适当的逻辑电压转换。然而,这个Click板配备了一个包含函数和示例代码的库,可以用作进一步开发的参考。

SE051 Plug&Trust Click hardware overview image



EasyAVR v7 是第七代AVR开发板,专为快速开发嵌入式应用的需求而设计。它支持广泛的16位AVR微控制器,来自Microchip,并具有一系列独特功能,如强大的板载mikroProg程序员和通过USB的在线电路调试器。开发板布局合理,设计周到,使得最终用户可以在一个地方找到所有必要的元素,如开关、按钮、指示灯、连接器等。EasyAVR v7 通过每个端口的四种不同连接器,比以往更高效地连接附件板、传感器和自定义电子产品。EasyAVR v7 开发板的每个部分

都包含了使同一板块运行最高效的必要组件。一个集成的mikroProg,一个快速的USB 2.0程序员,带有mikroICD硬件在线电路调试器,提供许多有价值的编 程/调试选项和与Mikroe软件环境的无缝集成。除此之外,它还包括一个干净且调节过的开发板电源供应模块。它可以使用广泛的外部电源,包括外部12V电源供应,7-12V交流或9-15V直流通过DC连接器/螺丝端子,以及通过USB Type-B(USB-B)连接器的电源。通信选项如USB-UART和RS-232也包括在内,与

广受好评的mikroBUS™标准、三种显示选项(7段、图形和基于字符的LCD)和几种不同的DIP插座一起,覆盖了广泛的16位AVR MCU。EasyAVR v7 是Mikroe快速开发生态系统的一个组成部分。它由Mikroe软件工具原生支持,得益于大量不同的Click板™(超过一千块板),其数量每天都在增长,它涵盖了原型制作和开发的许多方面。

EasyAVR v7 horizontal image






MCU 内存 (KB)






RAM (字节)




ISO7816 Reset
Deep Power-Down Mode
Power Supply
I2C Clock
I2C Data


Click board™ 原理图

SE051 Plug&Trust Click Schematic schematic



EasyAVR v7 front image hardware assembly

从选择您的开发板和Click板™开始。以EasyAVR v7作为您的开发板开始。

EasyAVR v7 front image hardware assembly
GNSS2 Click front image hardware assembly
EasyAVR v7 Access DIP MB 1 - upright/background hardware assembly
Necto image step 2 hardware assembly
Necto image step 3 hardware assembly
Necto image step 4 hardware assembly
NECTO Compiler Selection Step Image hardware assembly
NECTO Output Selection Step Image hardware assembly
Necto image step 6 hardware assembly
Necto DIP image step 7 hardware assembly
EasyPIC PRO v7a Display Selection Necto Step hardware assembly
Necto image step 9 hardware assembly
Necto image step 10 hardware assembly
Necto PreFlash Image hardware assembly



1. 应用程序输出 - 在调试模式下,“应用程序输出”窗口支持实时数据监控,直接提供执行结果的可视化。请按照提供的教程正确配置环境,以确保数据正确显示。

2. UART 终端 - 使用UART Terminal通过USB to UART converter监视数据传输,实现Click board™与开发系统之间的直接通信。请根据项目需求配置波特率和其他串行设置,以确保正常运行。有关分步设置说明,请参考提供的教程

3. Plot 输出 - Plot功能提供了一种强大的方式来可视化实时传感器数据,使趋势分析、调试和多个数据点的对比变得更加直观。要正确设置,请按照提供的教程,其中包含使用Plot功能显示Click board™读数的分步示例。在代码中使用Plot功能时,请使用以下函数:plot(insert_graph_name, variable_name);。这是一个通用格式,用户需要将“insert_graph_name”替换为实际图表名称,并将“variable_name”替换为要显示的参数。



该库包含 SE051 Plug&Trust Click 驱动程序的 API。


  • se051plugntrust_apdu_write - 函数将 frame_data 写入设备。

  • se051plugntrust_apdu_read - 函数从设备读取 frame_data。

  • se051plugntrust_apdu_transfer - 函数将 frame_data 写入设备,读取设备返回的数据,并将其存储在 frame_data 中。



完整的应用程序代码和一个现成的项目可以通过NECTO Studio包管理器直接安装到NECTO Studio 应用程序代码也可以在MIKROE的GitHub账户中找到。

 * @file main.c
 * @brief SE051 Plug n Trust Click example
 * # Description
 * This application is showcasing basic functionality of SE051 Plug&Trust click board. 
 * It gets identify data from device, selects card manager and applet. 
 * Then checks free memory, reads all objects and deletes not reserved ones. 
 * After that showcases a few of functionality: 
 *      - Generating random data, 
 *      - Creating, reading and deleting binary objects, 
 *      - Creating AES symmetrical key and cipher with it;
 * In the end it is showcasing funcionality in the endless loop.
 * The demo application is composed of two sections :
 * ## Application Init
 * At the start it sets comunication interface to I2C and resets the chip, 
 * reads identifying data from device, and then selects card manager and applet. 
 * After that it reads free persistent memory, reads all objects and deletes
 * objects that are not reserved by the Applet. Then it generates 2 byte of
 * random data, and gets the version information from the Applet. That's
 * followed up with creating binary object with 'MikroE' data inside. Then it checks
 * if object is created and reads data back. After that, the object is deleted and
 * it's checked if it still exists. Finally it creates 128AES key (16bytes), encrypts it
 * and then decrypts data with that key, and in the end it deletes that key object.
 * ## Application Task
 * It generates 16bytes of data, writes it in binary object and then reads it back and displays 
 * on the USB UART. Then creates AES key and encrypts that generated data with it, and then decrypts it. 
 * In the end it deletes both AES key object and binary object that's created at the start of the task.
 * @note
 * For more information refer to documents from NXP: AN12413 and UM11225.
 * @author Stefan Filipovic

#include "board.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "se051plugntrust.h"

// Library and log objects
static se051plugntrust_t se051plugntrust;
static log_t logger;

// Communication objects
static se051plugntrust_apdu_t apdu_data;
static se051plugntrust_frame_data_t frame_data;

// Parsing parameters
#define PARSE_BUF_LEN 0xFF
static uint32_t parse_index = 0;
static uint32_t parse_len = PARSE_BUF_LEN;
static uint8_t parse_data[ PARSE_BUF_LEN ] = { 0 };

 * @brief Reset parse data.
 * @details Clears parse index, buffer and resets @b parse_len.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void reset_parse ( void );

 * @brief Log buffer data to .
 * @details Logs buffer data to UART Terminal
 * @param[in] buf : Buffer to log.
 * @param[in] buf_len : Length of buffer to log.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void log_buf_hex ( uint8_t *buf, uint8_t buf_len );

 * @brief Log status data.
 * @details Log status data from @b apdu_data.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void log_status ( void );

 * @brief Log frame data.
 * @details Logs data from @b frame_data.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void log_rsp_data_default ( void );

 * @brief End APDU session.
 * @details Sends request to end APDU session.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void end_apdu_session ( void );

 * @brief Send request to reset device.
 * @details Sends request to reset device and logs ATR data.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void soft_reset( void );

 * @brief Check presistant free memory.
 * @details Sends request to check presistant free
 * memory from Applet, and logs it.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void check_free_memory ( void );

 * @brief Reads 2 bytes of random data from Applet.
 * @details Sends request to Applet to get 2 bytes of 
 * random data, and logs it.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void get_random ( void );

 * @brief Read Object with UID.
 * @details Checks if Object with UID exists and then
 * reads its data, and logs it.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void read_uid_object ( void );

 * @brief Checks the current version of the Applet.
 * @details Send request to check the current version 
 * of Applet and logs return data.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void get_version ( void );

 * @brief Get identify data from device.
 * @details Sends request to get identification data 
 * from device, and logs data.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void get_data_identify ( void );

 * @brief Create, write, read, and delete binary object.
 * @details Creates and writes data to binary object. 
 * Checks if that object exists. Reads that binary object,
 * and then delets it, and checks if its deleted. 
 * Every step and status will be logged.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void create_check_delete ( void );

 * @brief List of all Applet objects and delete if not reserved.
 * @details Create one random object and then lists all objects
 * and delete ones that are not reserved.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void list_and_delete_objects ( void );

 * @brief Select Applet.
 * @details Select applet and log version info.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void select_applet ( void );

 * @brief Create AES key, Encrypt and Decrypt data, and delete AES key.
 * @details Creates 128AES Symmetrical key. 
 * Encrypts data with it. Decrypt data with that key. 
 * and in the end delete that AES key. Logs every status in the process.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void aes_cipher ( void );

 * @brief Select Card manager.
 * @details Select Card manager without return value request
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note None.
static void select_card_manger ( void );

 * @brief Create 128 AES symmetrical key.
 * @details Create 128 AES symetrical key and sets its value.
 * @param[in] aes_id : Object ID.
 * @param[in] aes_key : AES key value.
 * @return Nothing.
 * @note AES key value because it's 128 key should be 16 bytes of data.
static void create_128_aes_key ( uint32_t aes_id, uint8_t *aes_key );

 * @brief Encrypt or decrypt data with AES key.
 * @details Encrypt or decrypt data with AES key.
 * @param[in] aes_id : Object ID.
 * @param[in] cipher_type : Encrypt or decrypt macro @b[SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT] || @b[SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT].
 * @param[in] data_in : Input buffer.
 * @param[out] data_out : Output buffer.
 * @return @li @c  0 - Success,
 *         @li @c -1 - Error.
 * @note None.
static err_t cipher_data_with_aes_key ( uint32_t aes_id, uint8_t cipher_type, uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out );

void application_init ( void ) 
    log_cfg_t log_cfg;  /**< Logger config object. */
    se051plugntrust_cfg_t se051plugntrust_cfg;  /**< Click config object. */

     * Logger initialization.
     * Default baud rate: 115200
     * Default log level: LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
     * @note If USB_UART_RX and USB_UART_TX 
     * are defined as HAL_PIN_NC, you will 
     * need to define them manually for log to work. 
     * See @b LOG_MAP_USB_UART macro definition for detailed explanation.
    LOG_MAP_USB_UART( log_cfg );
    log_init( &logger, &log_cfg );
    log_info( &logger, " Application Init " );

    // Click initialization.
    se051plugntrust_cfg_setup( &se051plugntrust_cfg );
    SE051PLUGNTRUST_MAP_MIKROBUS( se051plugntrust_cfg, MIKROBUS_1 );
    if ( I2C_MASTER_ERROR == se051plugntrust_init( &se051plugntrust, &se051plugntrust_cfg ) ) 
        log_error( &logger, " Communication init." );
        for ( ; ; );
    frame_data.apdu = &apdu_data;

    se051plugntrust.interface = SE051PLUGNTRUST_INTERFACE_I2C;
    se051plugntrust_reset( &se051plugntrust );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_INTERFACE_ISO14443 == se051plugntrust.interface )
        log_info( &logger, " ISO14443 Interface active..." );
        for ( ; ; );
    soft_reset( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    get_data_identify( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    select_card_manger( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    select_applet( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    check_free_memory( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    list_and_delete_objects( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    get_random( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    read_uid_object( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    get_version(  );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    create_check_delete( );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    aes_cipher( );
    log_info( &logger, " Application Task " );
    Delay_ms( 5000 );

void application_task ( void ) 
    #define DATA_LEN 16
    static uint8_t aes_value[ DATA_LEN ]    = { 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43,0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
                                                0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B,0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F };
    static uint32_t binary_id               = 0xBBBBBBBB;
    static uint32_t aes_id                  = 0xCCCCCCCC;
    uint8_t random_data[ DATA_LEN ]         = { 0 };
    uint8_t read_data[ DATA_LEN ]           = { 0 };
    uint8_t encrypted_data[ DATA_LEN ]      = { 0 };
    uint32_t read_len = DATA_LEN;
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_get_random_numbers( &se051plugntrust, random_data, DATA_LEN ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Generated random data: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( random_data, DATA_LEN );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_error( &logger, " Random" );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJECT_DOESNT_EXIST == se051plugntrust_check_object_exist( &se051plugntrust, binary_id ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " Write random data to binary object...\r\n" );
        if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK != se051plugntrust_write_binary_object( &se051plugntrust, binary_id, 
                                                                        0, DATA_LEN, random_data ) )
            log_error( &logger, " Write Binary" );
            log_info( &logger, " Status OK" );
        log_error( &logger, " Binary object already exist" );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJECT_DOES_EXISTS == se051plugntrust_check_object_exist( &se051plugntrust, binary_id ) )
        if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_read_object( &se051plugntrust, binary_id, 0, 0, 
                                                                read_data, &read_len ) )
            log_printf( &logger, " > Read data from binary object: 0x" );
            log_buf_hex( read_data, read_len );
            log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
            log_error( &logger, " Read binray object" );
        log_error( &logger, " Binary object doesn't exist" );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    log_printf( &logger, " Create AES key...\r\n" );
    create_128_aes_key( aes_id, aes_value );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == cipher_data_with_aes_key( aes_id, SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT, 
                                                         read_data, encrypted_data ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Encrypted data: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( encrypted_data, DATA_LEN );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_error( &logger, " Encrypting data" );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == cipher_data_with_aes_key( aes_id, SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT, 
                                                         encrypted_data, read_data ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Decrypted data: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( read_data, DATA_LEN );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_error( &logger, " Decrypting data" );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    log_printf( &logger, " Delete Binary and AES object...\r\n" );
    if ( ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK != se051plugntrust_delete_object( &se051plugntrust, binary_id ) ) || 
         ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK != se051plugntrust_delete_object( &se051plugntrust, aes_id ) ) )
        log_error( &logger, " Deleting objects" );
    log_printf( &logger, "*****************************************************************************\r\n" );
    Delay_ms( 5000 );

void main ( void ) 
    application_init( );

    for ( ; ; ) 
        application_task( );

static void reset_parse ( void )
    parse_index = 0;
    parse_len = PARSE_BUF_LEN;
    memset( parse_data, 0, parse_len );

static void log_buf_hex ( uint8_t *buf, uint8_t buf_len )
    for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < buf_len; i++ )
        log_printf( &logger, "%0.2X", ( uint16_t ) buf[ i ] );

static void log_status ( void )
    if ( ( ( frame_data.pcb & SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_R ) != SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_R ) && 
         ( ( frame_data.pcb & SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_S ) != SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_S ) )
        switch ( frame_data.apdu->status )
            case SE051PLUGNTRUST_SW_NOERROR:
                log_info( &logger, " Status OK" );
                log_error( &logger, " Status: 0x%.4X", frame_data.apdu->status );

static void log_rsp_data_default ( void )
    log_printf( &logger, " >NAD: 0x%0.2X \r\n", ( uint16_t ) frame_data.nad );
    log_printf( &logger, " >PCB: 0x%0.2X \r\n", ( uint16_t ) frame_data.pcb );
    log_printf( &logger, " >LEN: 0x%0.2X \r\n", ( uint16_t ) frame_data.len );
    if ( frame_data.len > 0 )
        log_printf( &logger, " >APDU: 0x" );
    log_buf_hex( frame_data.apdu->payload, frame_data.len );
    if ( frame_data.len > 0 )
        log_printf( &logger, " \r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, " >CRC: 0x%0.4X \r\n", frame_data.crc16 );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void soft_reset( void )
    log_info( &logger, " Resetting device..." );
    se051plugntrust_atr_t atr_data;
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_sw_reset( &se051plugntrust, &atr_data ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Protocol version: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) atr_data.protocol_version );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Data Link Layer Parameters value: %d\r\n", 
                    ( uint16_t ) atr_data.data_link_layer_parameters_len );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Data Link Layer Parameters: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( atr_data.data_link_layer_parameters, atr_data.data_link_layer_parameters_len );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Physical Layer ID: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) atr_data.physical_layer_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Physical Layer Parameters value: %d\r\n", 
                    ( uint16_t ) atr_data.physical_layer_parameters_len );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Physical Layer Parameters: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( atr_data.physical_layer_parameters, atr_data.physical_layer_parameters_len );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Historical Bytes value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) atr_data.historical_len );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Historical Bytes: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( atr_data.historical, atr_data.historical_len );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_error( &logger, " Resetting..." );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void check_free_memory ( void )
    log_info( &logger, " Check free memory" );
    uint16_t free_memory = 0;
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_get_free_memory( &se051plugntrust, 
                                                                SE051PLUGNTRUST_MEM_TRANSIENT_DESELECT, &free_memory ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Free Memory: %d\r\n", free_memory );
        log_error( &logger, " Reading Memory" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void get_random ( void )
    log_info( &logger, " Get Random" );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_get_random_numbers( &se051plugntrust, parse_data, 2 ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Random data: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( parse_data, 2 );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_error( &logger, " Random" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void read_uid_object ( void )
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJECT_DOES_EXISTS == se051plugntrust_check_object_exist( &se051plugntrust, 
                                                                                   SE051PLUGNTRUST_APPLET_RES_ID_UNIQUE_ID ) )
        log_info( &logger, " Read object with Unique ID" );
        if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_read_object( &se051plugntrust, SE051PLUGNTRUST_APPLET_RES_ID_UNIQUE_ID, 
                                                                0, 0, parse_data, &parse_len ) )
            log_printf( &logger, " > Object data: 0x" );
            log_buf_hex( parse_data, parse_len );
            log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
            log_error( &logger, " Read object with Unique ID" );
        log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void get_version ( void )
    log_info( &logger, " Get Version" );
    se051plugntrust_version_info_t ver_info;
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_get_applet_info( &se051plugntrust, &ver_info ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Applet Version = %d.%d.%d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) ver_info.major_version, 
                                                                 ( uint16_t ) ver_info.minor_version, 
                                                                 ( uint16_t ) ver_info.patch_version );
        log_printf( &logger, " > AppletConfig = 0x%0.4X\r\n", ver_info.applet_config );
        log_printf( &logger, " > SecureBox = 0x%0.4X\r\n", ver_info.secure_box );
        log_error( &logger, " Version Info" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void get_data_identify ( void )
    // select card
    select_card_manger( );
    end_apdu_session( );
    // get data identify
    typedef struct
        uint8_t tag_value_proprietary_data; // 0xFE Tag value - proprietary data Only present if class byte is 0x80
        uint8_t length_of_following_data; // 0x49 / 0x45 Length of following data Only present if class byte is 0x80
        uint8_t tag_card_identification_data[ 0x02 ]; // 0xDF28 Tag card identification data Only present if class byte is 0x80
        uint8_t length_of_card_identification_data; // 0x46 Length of card identification data Only present if class byte is 0x80
        uint8_t tag_configuration_id; // 0x01 Tag configuration ID Identifies the configuration content
        uint8_t length_configuration_id; // 0x0C Length configuration ID
        uint8_t configuration_id[ 0x0C ];  // var Configuration ID
        uint8_t tag_patch_id;    // 0x02 Tag patch ID Identifies the patch level
        uint8_t length_patch_id; // 0x08 Length patch ID
        uint8_t patch_id[ 0x08 ];  // var Patch ID
        uint8_t tag_platform_build_id1; // 0x03 Tag platform build ID1 Identifies the JCOP platform
        uint8_t length_platform_build_id; // 0x18 Length platform build ID
        uint8_t platform_build_id[ 0x18 ]; // var Platform build ID
        uint8_t tag_fips_mode;    // 0x052 Tag FIPS mode FIPS mode active
        uint8_t length_fips_mode; // 0x01 Length FIPS mode
        uint8_t fips_mode; // var FIPS mode 0x00 - FIPS mode not active, 0x01 - FIPS mode active
        uint8_t tag_pre_perso_state; // 0x07 Tag pre-perso state Lists pre-perso state
        uint8_t length_pre_perso_state; // 0x01 Length pre-perso state
        // var Bit mask of pre-perso state bit0 = 1 = config module available,
        // bit1 = 1 = transport state is active.
        // Unused bits are set to 0x0.
        uint8_t bit_mask_of_pre_perso_state;

        uint8_t tag_rom_id;    // '08' Tag ROM ID Indentifies the ROM content
        uint8_t length_rom_id; // '08' Length ROM ID Normal ending
        uint8_t rom_id[ 0x08 ]; // var ROM ID
        uint8_t status_word_sw[ 0x02 ]; // 9000h Status Word (SW)
    } identify_rsp_t;
    identify_rsp_t identify_rsp = { 0 };
    uint32_t prsp_len = sizeof ( identify_rsp_t );
    log_info( &logger, " Get data identify" );
    frame_data.pcb = SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_I;
    frame_data.len = 8;
    frame_data.apdu->cla = SE051PLUGNTRUST_CLA_NOT_SECURE;
    frame_data.apdu->ins = 0xCA;
    frame_data.apdu->p1 = 0x00;
    frame_data.apdu->p2 = 0xFE;
    frame_data.apdu->payload_len = 0x02;
    frame_data.apdu->rsp_len = 0x00;
    uint8_t df28[ 2 ] = { 0xDF, 0x28 };
    memcpy( frame_data.apdu->payload, df28, 2 );
    se051plugntrust_apdu_transfer( &se051plugntrust, &frame_data );
    if ( frame_data.len == prsp_len )
        memcpy( ( uint8_t * )&identify_rsp, frame_data.apdu->payload, prsp_len );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag value: 0x%0.2X\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.tag_value_proprietary_data );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_of_following_data );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag Card ID value: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( identify_rsp.tag_card_identification_data, 2 );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Card ID value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_of_card_identification_data );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag of Configuration ID value: 0x%0.2X\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.tag_configuration_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Configuration ID value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_configuration_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Configuration ID: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( identify_rsp.configuration_id, identify_rsp.length_configuration_id );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag of Patch ID value: 0x%0.2X\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.tag_patch_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Patch ID value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_patch_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Patch ID: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( identify_rsp.patch_id, identify_rsp.length_patch_id );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag of Platform Build ID1 value: 0x%0.2X\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.tag_platform_build_id1 );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Platform Build ID1 value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_platform_build_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Platform Build ID1: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( identify_rsp.platform_build_id, identify_rsp.length_platform_build_id );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag of FIPS Mode value: 0x%0.2X\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.tag_fips_mode );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of FIPS Mode value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_fips_mode );
        log_printf( &logger, " > FIPS Mode: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( &identify_rsp.fips_mode, identify_rsp.length_fips_mode );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag of Pre-Preso State value: 0x%0.2X\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.tag_pre_perso_state );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of Pre-Preso State value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_pre_perso_state );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Pre-Preso State: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( &identify_rsp.bit_mask_of_pre_perso_state, identify_rsp.length_pre_perso_state );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Tag of ROM ID value: 0x%0.2X\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.tag_rom_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Length of ROM ID value: %d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) identify_rsp.length_rom_id );
        log_printf( &logger, " > ROM ID: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( identify_rsp.rom_id, identify_rsp.length_rom_id );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Status Word: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( identify_rsp.status_word_sw, 2 );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_error( &logger, " Size Error" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );
    end_apdu_session( );

static void end_apdu_session ( void )
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK != se051plugntrust_end_apdu_session( &se051plugntrust ) )
        log_error( &logger, " End APDU session" );

static void create_check_delete ( void )
    // create binary object
    log_info( &logger, " Write Binary" );
    uint8_t data_buf[ 7 ] = "MikroE";
    uint32_t binary_id = 0xAAAAAAAAul;

    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK != se051plugntrust_write_binary_object( &se051plugntrust, binary_id, 0, 6, data_buf ) )
        log_error( &logger, " Write Binary" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

    // check if object exists
    log_info( &logger, " Check object exists" );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJECT_DOES_EXISTS == se051plugntrust_check_object_exist( &se051plugntrust, binary_id ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Object exist\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Object doesn't exist\r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );
    // read binary object
    log_info( &logger, " Read object" );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_read_object( &se051plugntrust, binary_id, 0, 0, parse_data, &parse_len ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Object data: %s\r\n", parse_data );
        log_error( &logger, " Read binary object" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );
    // delete object
    log_info( &logger, " Delete Secure Object" );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_delete_object( &se051plugntrust, binary_id ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " Object 0x%0.8LX deleted\r\n", binary_id );
        log_error( &logger, " Delete Object"  );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );
    // check if object exists
    log_info( &logger, " Check object exists" );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJECT_DOES_EXISTS == se051plugntrust_check_object_exist( &se051plugntrust, binary_id ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Object exist\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Object doesn't exist\r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void list_and_delete_objects( void )
    se051plugntrust_write_binary_object( &se051plugntrust, 0xAABBCCDDul, 0, 4, "Data" );
    log_info( &logger, " Get Object list" );  
    uint32_t ids[ 30 ] = { 0 };
    uint8_t len = 0;
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_object_id_list( &se051plugntrust, ids, &len ) )
        log_info( &logger, " List len: %d", ( uint16_t )len );
        for ( uint8_t cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++ )
        {   // if not NXP defined objectect delete that object
            if ( ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJID_SE05X_APPLET_RES_START != ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJID_APPLET_MASK & ids[ cnt ] ) ) &&
                 ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_SSS_OBJID_IOT_HUB_A_START != ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJID_IOT_MASK & ids[ cnt ] ) ) )
                if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_delete_object( &se051plugntrust, ids[ cnt ] ) )
                    log_printf( &logger, " > Object Deleted 0x%.8LX\r\n", ids[ cnt ] );
                    log_error( &logger, " Delecte Object  0x%.8LX", ids[ cnt ] );
                log_printf( &logger, " > Object ID: 0x%.8LX\r\n", ids[ cnt ] );
        log_error( &logger, " Object ID List" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void select_applet ( void )
    log_info( &logger, " Select SE050 Applet" );
    se051plugntrust_version_info_t ver_info;
    se051plugntrust_select_applet( &se051plugntrust, SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_I_NS_ENCODE, &ver_info );
    log_printf( &logger, " > Applet Version = %d.%d.%d\r\n", ( uint16_t ) ver_info.major_version, 
                                                             ( uint16_t ) ver_info.minor_version, 
                                                             ( uint16_t ) ver_info.patch_version );
    log_printf( &logger, " > AppletConfig = 0x%0.4X\r\n", ver_info.applet_config );
    log_printf( &logger, " > SecureBox = 0x%0.4X\r\n", ver_info.secure_box );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void aes_cipher ( void )
    // Create AES Key
    log_info( &logger, " Write AES Key" );
    #define AES_DATA_SIZE 16
    uint8_t aes_value[ AES_DATA_SIZE ] = { 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43,0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
                                           0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B,0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F };
    uint32_t symm_id = 0x12345678ul;
    create_128_aes_key( symm_id, aes_value );
    // Encrypt Data
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJECT_DOES_EXISTS == se051plugntrust_check_object_exist( &se051plugntrust, symm_id ) )
        log_info( &logger, " Encrypt Data" );
        uint8_t data_value[ 16 ] = { ' ', '>', 'P', 'l', 'u', 'g', ' ', '&', ' ', 'T', 'r', 'u', 's', 't', '<', ' ' };
        reset_parse( );
        if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == cipher_data_with_aes_key( symm_id, SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT, 
                                                             data_value, parse_data ) )
            log_printf( &logger, " > Encrypted data hex: 0x" );
            log_buf_hex( parse_data, AES_DATA_SIZE );
            log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
            log_printf( &logger, " > Encrypted data string: %s\r\n", parse_data );
            log_error( &logger, " Parse error" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Object doesn't exist\r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

    // Decrypt Data
    log_info( &logger, " Decrypt Data" );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == cipher_data_with_aes_key( symm_id, SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT, 
                                                         parse_data, parse_data ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " > Decrypted data hex: 0x" );
        log_buf_hex( parse_data, parse_len );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " > Decrypted data string: %s\r\n", parse_data );
        log_error( &logger, " Parse error" );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );
    // Delete Object
    log_info( &logger, " Delete Secure Object" );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_delete_object( &se051plugntrust, symm_id ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " Object 0x%0.8LX deleted\r\n", symm_id );
        log_error( &logger, " Delete Object"  );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void select_card_manger ( void )
    log_info( &logger, " Select the card manager " );
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK != se051plugntrust_select_card_manager( &se051plugntrust, 
                                                                    SE051PLUGNTRUST_CARD_MANAGER_WITHOUT_RSP, 0, 0 ) )
        log_error( &logger, " Card manager"  );
    log_printf( &logger, "************************************************************************\r\n" );

static void create_128_aes_key ( uint32_t aes_id, uint8_t *aes_key )
    #define AES_KEY_SIZE 16
    frame_data.pcb = SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_I;
    frame_data.apdu->cla = SE051PLUGNTRUST_CLA_NOT_SECURE;
    frame_data.apdu->p1 = SE051PLUGNTRUST_P1_AES;
    frame_data.apdu->p2 = SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_DEFAULT;
    frame_data.apdu->payload_len = 0;// reset apdu payload_len
    frame_data.apdu->rsp_len = 0;// reset apdu le value
    se051plugntrust_set_tlv_u32( frame_data.apdu->payload, &frame_data.apdu->payload_len, 
                                 SE051PLUGNTRUST_TLV_TAG_1, aes_id ); // AES key ID
    se051plugntrust_set_tlv_u8buf( frame_data.apdu->payload, &frame_data.apdu->payload_len, 
                                   SE051PLUGNTRUST_TLV_TAG_3, aes_key, AES_KEY_SIZE ); // AES key value
    frame_data.len = se051plugntrust_calculate_apdu_size( frame_data.apdu ); // calculate apdu size
    se051plugntrust_apdu_transfer( &se051plugntrust, &frame_data );
    log_status( );
    end_apdu_session( );

static err_t cipher_data_with_aes_key ( uint32_t aes_id, uint8_t cipher_type, uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out )
    // check if object with aes_id exists
    if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OBJECT_DOES_EXISTS == se051plugntrust_check_object_exist( &se051plugntrust, aes_id ) )
        frame_data.pcb = SE051PLUGNTRUST_PCB_BLOCK_I;
        frame_data.apdu->cla = SE051PLUGNTRUST_CLA_NOT_SECURE;
        frame_data.apdu->ins = SE051PLUGNTRUST_INS_CRYPTO;
        frame_data.apdu->p1 = SE051PLUGNTRUST_P1_CIPHER;
        frame_data.apdu->p2 = cipher_type; // SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_ENCRYPT_ONESHOT || SE051PLUGNTRUST_P2_DECRYPT_ONESHOT
        frame_data.apdu->payload_len = 0;
        frame_data.apdu->rsp_len = 0;
        frame_data.len = 0;
        se051plugntrust_set_tlv_u32( frame_data.apdu->payload, &frame_data.apdu->payload_len, 
                                     SE051PLUGNTRUST_TLV_TAG_1, aes_id ); // set aes key to be used
        se051plugntrust_set_tlv_u8( frame_data.apdu->payload, &frame_data.apdu->payload_len, 
                                    SE051PLUGNTRUST_TLV_TAG_2, SE051PLUGNTRUST_CIPHER_AES_CTR ); // set ae cipher type to be used
        se051plugntrust_set_tlv_u8buf( frame_data.apdu->payload, &frame_data.apdu->payload_len, 
                                       SE051PLUGNTRUST_TLV_TAG_3, data_in, 16 ); // set data to encrypt/decrypt
        frame_data.len = se051plugntrust_calculate_apdu_size( frame_data.apdu ); // calculate apdu data
        frame_data.len++; // increment data
        se051plugntrust_apdu_transfer( &se051plugntrust, &frame_data );
        reset_parse( ); // reset prase data
        // get encryted/decrypted data
        if ( SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK == se051plugntrust_get_tlv_u8buf( frame_data.apdu->payload, &parse_index, frame_data.len, 
                                                                  SE051PLUGNTRUST_TLV_TAG_1, data_out, &parse_len ) ) 
            end_apdu_session( );
            return SE051PLUGNTRUST_OK;
            end_apdu_session( );
            return SE051PLUGNTRUST_ERROR;
        return SE051PLUGNTRUST_ERROR;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END




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