About us
What is EmbeddedWiki?
EmbeddedWiki is world's largest embedded projects platform, made with pre-designed and standardized hardware and software solutions that serves as a starting point for developing customized products or applications.
The idea behind the project
The internet is a place where everything is scattered, and it takes a lot of time to find exactly the information we need. When we engage in researching a topic, we can spend hours and hours on something that may not be accurate or simply doesn't work.
This platform is made by MikroElektronika (MIKROE), a company dedicated to saving time and standardization in the embedded industry, from 2001.
Why should I use embeddedwiki platform?
Benefits of EmbeddedWiki

Your project starts here
The platform covers 12 topics and 92 applications. Simply choose the MCU you require, select the application, and receive 100% valid code. Whether you're a novice working on your first project or a seasoned professional on your one 101st, EmbeddedWiki ensures project completion with satisfaction, eliminating unnecessary time wastage.

Standardized projects template
Project writing involves several key points: research, code writing, application testing, and documentation. If you use EmbeddedWiki, you will no longer waste time on these things because we have done it all for you. EmbeddedWiki now presents a standardized project with all the essential steps and information for a 100% successful project – all available in one spot!

Simplify design cycle
The EmbeddedWiki platform currently supports 117 vendors. Your favorite vendor is likely to be featured among this diverse selection. If a preferred vendor is not currently listed, we encourage you to communicate your preferences. Simply let us or the vendor know about your interest, and we will work to include them in the network of vendors that already are on EmbeddedWiki.
Fun facts
How big is one million?

1kg = 1 EW project
Blue whale – the largest animal on Earth weights 200t (200 000kg). If 1 kg presents 1 EmbeddedWiki project, the EmbeddedWiki platform would be the size of 5 BLUE WHALES!

15’ = 1 EW project
The average reading time for an project on EmbeddedWiki is 15 minutes. If you were to start reading projects now, continuously without interruption, it would take you approximately 28 years to cover every project on the platform!

$1 = 1 EW project
If one project on EmbeddedWiki represents one paper dollar bill in a stack of a million dollars, that stack would be 358 feet high! Just above the Statue of Liberty in New York, and Big Ben in London!