I2C to SPI Click基于两个NXP Semiconductor的SC18IS602B,这是一个I2C总线到SPI桥接器。该IC桥接了两种接口之间的数据通信,提供了许多附加功能,如可编程I/O、内部振荡器选项、低电平有效中断输出、低功耗模式等。SC18IS602B作为I2C总线的从机发送器或从机接收器以及SPI主机操作。SC18IS602B控制所有SPI总线特定的序列、协议和定时。它还具有自己的内部振荡器,并支持SPI芯片选择输出,在未使用时可配置为GPIO。这使得软件易于编写或从其他平台移植。I2C to SPI Click提供面向字节的I2C总线接口,支持高达400 kHz的数据传输。当I2C总线主机从Click板™读取数据时,该设备将是从机发送器。当I2C总线主机发送数据时,它也可以是从机接收器。SC18IS602B在任何时候都不会作
为I2C总线主机操作。然而,它确实具有在字节之间保持SCL线为低电平的能力,以完成其内部过程。SC18IS602B的从机地址由固定部分和可编程部分组成。从机地址的可编程部分使得尽可能多的此类设备能够连接到I2C总线上。由于SC18IS602B具有三个可编程地址位(由A2、A1和A0引脚定义),因此在同一总线上最多可以有八个此类设备。因此,该Click板™配备了三个SMD跳线,归类在ADDR SEL标签下,用于选择I2C从机地址。通过将跳线移动到所需位置,用户可以选择用于与主机MCU通信的地址。#RESET引脚执行SC18IS602B IC的硬件复位。#RESET引脚连接到mikroBUS™的RST引脚,并且为低电平有效。#INT允许主机MCU从SC18IS602B IC接收中断。在完成任何SPI传输后,
SC18IS602B生成中断。因此,SC18IS602B的#INT连接到mikroBUS™插座的INT引脚。可以通过发送“清除中断”命令来清除中断(INT引脚为高电平),尽管这不是必需的。这允许编写更优化的软件(固件),因为主机MCU不必连续轮询LSR寄存器以查看是否需要服务任何中断。SC18IS602B的数据手册提供了有关使用和配置SC18IS602B IC的更多信息。然而,Click板™由mikroSDK库支持,提供简化原型设计和固件开发的功能。该Click板™只能在3.3V逻辑电压水平下运行。在使用具有不同逻辑电平的MCU之前,必须进行适当的逻辑电压电平转换。此外,它配备了一个库,包含函数和示例代码,可用作进一步开发的参考。
Nucleo-64 搭载 STM32F410RB MCU 提供了一种经济高效且灵活的平台,供开发者探索新想法并原型设计他们的项目。该板利用 STM32 微控制器的多功能性,使用户能够为他们的项目选择最佳的性能与功耗平衡。它配备了 LQFP64 封装的 STM32 微控制器,并包含了如用户 LED(同时作为 ARDUINO® 信号)、用户和复位按钮,以及 32.768kHz 晶体振荡器用于精确的计时操作等基本组件。Nucleo-64 板设计考虑到扩展性和灵活性,它特有的 ARDUINO® Uno
V3 扩展连接器和 ST morpho 扩展引脚头,提供了对 STM32 I/O 的完全访问,以实现全面的项目整合。电源供应选项灵活,支持 ST-LINK USB VBUS 或外部电源,确保在各种开发环境中的适应性。该板还配备了一个具有 USB 重枚举功能的板载 ST-LINK 调试器/编程器,简化了编程和调试过程。此外,该板设计旨在简化高级开发,它的外部 SMPS 为 Vcore 逻辑供电提供高效支持,支持 USB 设备全速或 USB SNK/UFP 全速,并内置加密功能,提升了项目的功效
和安全性。通过外部 SMPS 实验的专用连接器、 用于 ST-LINK 的 USB 连接器以及 MIPI® 调试连接器,提供了更多的硬件接口和实验可能性。开发者将通过 STM32Cube MCU Package 提供的全面免费软件库和示例得到广泛支持。这些,加上与多种集成开发环境(IDE)的兼容性,包括 IAR Embedded Workbench®、MDK-ARM 和 STM32CubeIDE,确保了流畅且高效的开发体验,使用户能够充分利用 Nucleo-64 板在他们的项目中的能力。
ARM Cortex-M4
MCU 内存 (KB)
RAM (字节)
Click Shield for Nucleo-64 配备了两个专有的 mikroBUS™ 插座,使得所有的 Click board™ 设备都可以轻松地与 STM32 Nucleo-64 开发板连接。这样,Mikroe 允许其用户从不断增长的 Click boards™ 范围中添加任何功能,如 WiFi、GSM、GPS、蓝牙、ZigBee、环境传感器、LED、语音识别、电机控制、运动传感器等。您可以使用超过 1537 个 Click boards™,这些 Click boards™ 可以堆叠和集成。STM32 Nucleo-64 开发板基于 64 引脚封装的微控制器,采用 32 位 MCU,配备 ARM Cortex M4 处理器,运行速度为 84MHz,具有 512Kb Flash 和 96KB SRAM,分为两个区域,顶部区域代表 ST-Link/V2 调试器和编程器,而底部区域是一个实际的开发板。通过 USB 连接方便地控制和供电这些板子,以便直接对 Nucleo-64 开发板进行编程和高效调试,其中还需要额外的 USB 线连接到板子上的 USB 迷你接口。大多数 STM32 微控制器引脚都连接到了板子左右边缘的 IO 引脚上,然后连接到两个现有的 mikroBUS™ 插座上。该 Click Shield 还有几个开关,用于选择 mikroBUS™ 插座上模拟信号的逻辑电平和 mikroBUS™ 插座本身的逻辑电压电平。此外,用户还可以通过现有的双向电平转换器,使用任何 Click board™,无论 Click board™ 是否在 3.3V 或 5V 逻辑电压电平下运行。一旦将 STM32 Nucleo-64 开发板与我们的 Click Shield for Nucleo-64 连接,您就可以访问数百个工作于 3.3V 或 5V 逻辑电压电平的 Click boards™。
Click board™ 原理图
1. 一旦代码示例加载完成,按下 "DEBUG" 按钮将启动构建过程,并将其编程到创建的设置上,然后进入调试模式。
2. 编程完成后,IDE 中将出现一个带有各种操作按钮的标题。点击绿色的 "PLAY" 按钮开始读取通过 Click board™ 获得的结果。获得的结果将在 "Application Output" 标签中显示。
此库包含I2C to SPI Click驱动程序的API。
- 此功能通过SPI将数据字节写入I2C to SPI Click上的SC18IS602B I2C总线到SPI桥接器的目标8位寄存器地址。i2ctospi_spi_read_byte
- 此功能通过SPI从I2C to SPI Click上的SC18IS602B I2C总线到SPI桥接器的目标8位寄存器地址读取数据字节。i2ctospi_clear_interrupt
- 此功能在完成任何SPI传输后清除由SC18IS602B生成的中断。
这个示例可以在 NECTO Studio 中找到。欢迎下载代码,或者您也可以复制下面的代码。
* \file
* \brief I2cToSpi Click example
* # Description
* I2C to SPi Click allows serving as an interface between a standard I2C-bus of a microcontroller
* and an SPi bus, which allows the microcontroller to communicate directly with SPi devices
* through its I2C-bus. By offering an I2C-bus slave-transmitter or slave-receiver and SPI master,
* this Click controls all the SPi bus-specific sequences, protocol, and timing. It also has its own
* internal oscillator, and it supports the SPi chip select output that may be configured as GPIO when not used.
* The demo application is composed of two sections :
* ## Application Init
* Initialization driver enable's - I2C,
* hardware reset, SS0 ( CS ) configured to be used as slave select outputs, set the configuration of SPI:
* order MSB first, clock Idle low, leading-edge transition, SPI clock rate to 115kHz,
* set SPI EEPROM write enable SS0, clear interrupt,
* clear RT5 register, sets starting time: hours, minutes and seconds ( enable counting ), also write log.
* ## Application Task
* This is an example which demonstrates the use of RTC 5 click is wired to I2C to SPI click board.
* I2C to SPI click communicates with register via the I2C interface,
* serve as an interface between a standard I2C-bus of a microcontroller and an SPI bus.
* RTC 5 click communicates with register via SPI interface.
* In this examples, we display RTC time which we received reading from the target register
* address of MCP79510 chip on RTC 5 click board via I2C interface of I2C to SPI click board.
* Results are being sent to the Usart Terminal where you can track their changes.
* All data logs write on usb uart changes for every 1 sec.
* *note:*
* <pre>
* Additional Functions :
* - void display_log_uart( uint8_t value ) - Write the value of time or date as a two-digit number.
* - void rtc5_clear( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi ) - Clear RTCC and SRAM memory of RTC 5 click.
* - void rtc5_set_time_seconds( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi, uint8_t seconds ) - Set the seconds and enable counting.
* - uint8_t rtc5_get_time_seconds( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi ) - Get the seconds.
* - void rtc5_set_time_minutes( uint8_t minutes ) - Set the minutes.
* - uint8_t rtc5_get_time_minutes( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi ) - Get the minutes.
* - void rtc5_set_time_hours( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi, uint8_t hours ) - Set the hours.
* - uint8_t rtc5_get_time_hours( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi ) - Get the hours.
* </pre>
* \author MikroE Team
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDES
#include "board.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "i2ctospi.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES
static i2ctospi_t i2ctospi;
static i2ctospi_spi_t i2ctospi_spi;
static i2ctospi_gpio_t i2ctospi_gpio;
static log_t logger;
static uint8_t time_hours;
static uint8_t time_minutes;
static uint8_t time_seconds;
static uint8_t time_seconds_new = 0xFF;
// ------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS
void display_log_uart ( uint8_t value )
log_printf( &logger, " %d%d ", ( uint16_t )( value / 10 ), ( uint16_t )( value % 10 ) );
void rtc5_clear ( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi )
uint8_t reg_add;
spi->slave_device = I2CTOSPI_SLAVEDEVICE_SS0;
spi->function_id = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_WRITE;
spi->reg_addr = reg_add;
for ( reg_add = 0; reg_add < 0x20; reg_add++ )
i2ctospi_spi_write_byte( ctx, spi, 0x00 );
Delay_1us( );
spi->reg_addr = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_CLEAR;
i2ctospi_spi_write_byte( ctx, spi, 0x00 );
i2ctospi_clear_interrupt( ctx );
void rtc5_set_time_seconds ( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi, uint8_t seconds )
uint8_t ones;
uint8_t tens;
uint8_t temp;
ones = 0x00;
tens = 0x00;
seconds %= 60;
ones = seconds % 10;
tens = ( seconds / 10 ) << 4;
temp = tens | ones;
spi->slave_device = I2CTOSPI_SLAVEDEVICE_SS0;
spi->function_id = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_WRITE;
spi->reg_addr = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_REG_TIME_SEC;
i2ctospi_spi_write_byte( ctx, spi, temp );
uint8_t rtc5_get_time_seconds ( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi )
uint8_t ones;
uint8_t tens;
uint8_t result_sec;
uint8_t temp;
spi->slave_device = I2CTOSPI_SLAVEDEVICE_SS0;
spi->function_id = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_READ;
spi->reg_addr = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_REG_TIME_SEC;
temp = i2ctospi_spi_read_byte( ctx, spi );
ones = temp & 0x0F;
tens = ( temp & 0x70 ) >> 4;
result_sec = ( 10 * tens ) + ones;
return result_sec;
void rtc5_set_time_minutes ( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi, uint8_t minutes )
uint8_t ones;
uint8_t tens;
uint8_t temp;
ones = 0x00;
tens = 0x00;
minutes %= 60;
ones = minutes % 10;
tens = ( minutes / 10 ) << 4;
temp = tens | ones;
spi->slave_device = I2CTOSPI_SLAVEDEVICE_SS0;
spi->function_id = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_WRITE;
spi->reg_addr = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_REG_TIME_MIN;
i2ctospi_spi_write_byte( ctx, spi, temp );
uint8_t rtc5_get_time_minutes ( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi )
uint8_t ones;
uint8_t tens;
uint8_t result_min;
uint8_t temp;
spi->slave_device = I2CTOSPI_SLAVEDEVICE_SS0;
spi->function_id = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_READ;
spi->reg_addr = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_REG_TIME_MIN;
temp = i2ctospi_spi_read_byte( ctx, spi );
ones = temp & 0x0F;
tens = ( temp & 0x70 ) >> 4;
result_min = ( 10 * tens ) + ones;
return result_min;
void rtc5_set_time_hours ( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi, uint8_t hours )
uint8_t ones;
uint8_t tens;
uint8_t temp;
ones = 0x00;
tens = 0x00;
hours %= 24;
ones = hours % 10;
tens = ( hours / 10 ) << 4;
temp = tens | ones;
spi->slave_device = I2CTOSPI_SLAVEDEVICE_SS0;
spi->function_id = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_WRITE;
spi->reg_addr = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_REG_TIME_HOUR,
i2ctospi_spi_write_byte( ctx, spi, temp );
uint8_t rtc5_get_time_hours ( i2ctospi_t *ctx, i2ctospi_spi_t *spi )
uint8_t ones;
uint8_t tens;
uint8_t result_hours;
uint8_t temp;
spi->slave_device = I2CTOSPI_SLAVEDEVICE_SS0;
spi->function_id = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_COMMAND_READ;
spi->reg_addr = I2CTOSPI_RTC5_REG_TIME_HOUR;
temp = i2ctospi_spi_read_byte( ctx, spi );
ones = temp & 0x0F;
tens = ( temp & 0x30 ) >> 4;
result_hours = ( 10 * tens ) + ones;
return result_hours;
// ------------------------------------------------------ APPLICATION FUNCTIONS
void application_init ( void )
log_cfg_t log_cfg;
i2ctospi_cfg_t cfg;
* Logger initialization.
* Default baud rate: 115200
* Default log level: LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
* @note If USB_UART_RX and USB_UART_TX
* are defined as HAL_PIN_NC, you will
* need to define them manually for log to work.
* See @b LOG_MAP_USB_UART macro definition for detailed explanation.
LOG_MAP_USB_UART( log_cfg );
log_init( &logger, &log_cfg );
log_info( &logger, "---- Application Init ----" );
// Click initialization.
i2ctospi_cfg_setup( &cfg );
i2ctospi_init( &i2ctospi, &cfg );
i2ctospi_default_cfg( &i2ctospi );
//Set Time : 23h 59m 48s
rtc5_clear( &i2ctospi, &i2ctospi_spi );
rtc5_set_time_hours( &i2ctospi, &i2ctospi_spi, 23 );
Delay_1ms( );
rtc5_set_time_minutes( &i2ctospi, &i2ctospi_spi, 59 );
Delay_1ms( );
rtc5_set_time_seconds( &i2ctospi, &i2ctospi_spi, 48 );
Delay_1ms( );
void application_task ( void )
time_seconds = rtc5_get_time_seconds( &i2ctospi, &i2ctospi_spi );
Delay_1ms( );
time_minutes = rtc5_get_time_minutes( &i2ctospi, &i2ctospi_spi );
Delay_1ms( );
time_hours = rtc5_get_time_hours( &i2ctospi, &i2ctospi_spi );
Delay_1ms( );
if ( time_seconds_new != time_seconds )
log_printf( &logger, " Time : " );
display_log_uart( time_hours );
log_printf( &logger, ":" );
display_log_uart( time_minutes );
log_printf( &logger, ":" );
display_log_uart( time_seconds );
log_printf( &logger, "\r\n" );
log_printf( &logger, "------------------\r\n" );
time_seconds_new = time_seconds;
Delay_1ms( );
void main ( void )
application_init( );
for ( ; ; )
application_task( );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END