10 min

Achieve safety isolation from high voltage with ISOM8710 and PIC32MZ2048EFH100

High voltage, low worries

Opto 7 Click with Flip&Click PIC32MZ

Published Dec 19, 2023

Click board™

Opto 7 Click

Dev. board

Flip&Click PIC32MZ


NECTO Studio



Safety shield that you can add to electronic systems, especially in applications like power supplies, electricity meters, motor drives, and automation systems



Hardware Overview

How does it work?

Opto 7 Click is based on two ISOM8710s, high-speed single-channel opto-emulators from Texas Instruments. It can transmit data rates of up to 25Mbps and output 3.3V and 5V signals with a CMOS-compatible output. Compared to an optocoupler, the ISOM7810 has a high common mode transient immunity, low propagation delay, small pulse with distortion, low power consumption, and more. Opto 7 Click is equipped with two of these opto-emulators for receiving and transmitting

data. The external power supply can be connected to a VCC2 terminal and must be 3.3V or 5V. The three-pin terminal connects input and output data lines along with the common ground. Opto 7 Click can use general-purpose IO to communicate with the host MCU over the GP1 and GP2 pins. It can also be used for a standard UART communication isolation with commonly used UART RX and TX pins. The selection can be made over the OUT SEL and IN SEL jumpers. Both should be in a proper

position for the communication to work. This Click board™ can operate with either 3.3V or 5V logic voltage levels selected via the VCC SEL jumper. This way, both 3.3V and 5V capable MCUs can use the communication lines properly. Also, this Click board™ comes equipped with a library containing easy-to-use functions and an example code that can be used as a reference for further development.

Opto 7 Click hardware overview image

Features overview

Development board

Flip&Click PIC32MZ is a compact development board designed as a complete solution that brings the flexibility of add-on Click boards™ to your favorite microcontroller, making it a perfect starter kit for implementing your ideas. It comes with an onboard 32-bit PIC32MZ microcontroller, the PIC32MZ2048EFH100 from Microchip, four mikroBUS™ sockets for Click board™ connectivity, two USB connectors, LED indicators, buttons, debugger/programmer connectors, and two headers compatible with Arduino-UNO pinout. Thanks to innovative manufacturing technology,

it allows you to build gadgets with unique functionalities and features quickly. Each part of the Flip&Click PIC32MZ development kit contains the components necessary for the most efficient operation of the same board. In addition, there is the possibility of choosing the Flip&Click PIC32MZ programming method, using the chipKIT bootloader (Arduino-style development environment) or our USB HID bootloader using mikroC, mikroBasic, and mikroPascal for PIC32. This kit includes a clean and regulated power supply block through the USB Type-C (USB-C) connector. All communication

methods that mikroBUS™ itself supports are on this board, including the well-established mikroBUS™ socket, user-configurable buttons, and LED indicators. Flip&Click PIC32MZ development kit allows you to create a new application in minutes. Natively supported by Mikroe software tools, it covers many aspects of prototyping thanks to a considerable number of different Click boards™ (over a thousand boards), the number of which is growing every day.

Flip&Click PIC32MZ double image

Microcontroller Overview

MCU Card / MCU




MCU Memory (KB)


Silicon Vendor


Pin count


RAM (Bytes)


Used MCU Pins

mikroBUS™ mapper

Power Supply
General-Purpose I/O
General-Purpose I/O
Power Supply

Take a closer look

Click board™ Schematic

Opto 7 Click Schematic schematic

Step by step

Project assembly

Flip&Click PIC32MZ front image hardware assembly

Start by selecting your development board and Click board™. Begin with the Flip&Click PIC32MZ as your development board.

Flip&Click PIC32MZ front image hardware assembly
GNSS2 Click front image hardware assembly
Prog-cut hardware assembly
GNSS2 Click complete accessories setup image hardware assembly
Flip&Click PIC32MZ MB1 Access - upright/background hardware assembly
Necto image step 2 hardware assembly
Necto image step 3 hardware assembly
Necto image step 4 hardware assembly
Necto image step 5 hardware assembly
Necto image step 6 hardware assembly
Flip&Click PIC32MZ MCU step hardware assembly
Necto No Display image step 8 hardware assembly
Necto image step 9 hardware assembly
Necto image step 10 hardware assembly
Debug Image Necto Step hardware assembly

Track your results in real time

Application Output

1. Application Output - In Debug mode, the 'Application Output' window enables real-time data monitoring, offering direct insight into execution results. Ensure proper data display by configuring the environment correctly using the provided tutorial.

2. UART Terminal - Use the UART Terminal to monitor data transmission via a USB to UART converter, allowing direct communication between the Click board™ and your development system. Configure the baud rate and other serial settings according to your project's requirements to ensure proper functionality. For step-by-step setup instructions, refer to the provided tutorial.

3. Plot Output - The Plot feature offers a powerful way to visualize real-time sensor data, enabling trend analysis, debugging, and comparison of multiple data points. To set it up correctly, follow the provided tutorial, which includes a step-by-step example of using the Plot feature to display Click board™ readings. To use the Plot feature in your code, use the function: plot(*insert_graph_name*, variable_name);. This is a general format, and it is up to the user to replace 'insert_graph_name' with the actual graph name and 'variable_name' with the parameter to be displayed.

Software Support

Library Description

This library contains API for Opto 7 Click driver.

Key functions:

  • opto7_generic_write - Opto 7 data writing function.

  • opto7_set_gp1_pin - Opto 7 set GP1 pin function.

  • opto7_get_gp2_pin - Opto 7 get GP2 pin function.

Open Source

Code example

The complete application code and a ready-to-use project are available through the NECTO Studio Package Manager for direct installation in the NECTO Studio. The application code can also be found on the MIKROE GitHub account.

 * @file main.c
 * @brief Opto 7 Click Example.
 * # Description
 * This example demonstrates the use of Opto 7 click board by processing
 * the incoming data and displaying them on the USB UART.
 * The demo application is composed of two sections :
 * ## Application Init
 * Initialization of UART LOG and GPIO pin, and UART drivers.
 * ## Application Task
 * This example is made of two parts:
 * GPIO Example - The output pin is toggled every 5 seconds and input pin state is being tracked.
 * UART Example - Device assigned as transmitter is sending message and receiver is reading it and displaying it on USB UART.
 * ## Additional Function
 * - static void opto7_clear_app_buf ( void )
 * - static void opto7_log_app_buf ( void )
 * - static err_t opto7_process ( opto7_t *ctx )
 * @author Stefan Ilic

#include "board.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "opto7.h"

// Example selection macros
#define EXAMPLE_GPIO                1               // Example of using GPIO
#define EXAMPLE_UART                2               // Example of using UART
#define DEMO_EXAMPLE                EXAMPLE_GPIO    // Example selection macro

// Macros for UART example
#define TRANSMITTER                 // Comment out this line to place device into receiver mode
#define TX_MESSAGE                  "Opto 7 Click Example \r\n"

// Application buffer size
#define APP_BUFFER_SIZE             500
#define PROCESS_BUFFER_SIZE         200

static opto7_t opto7;
static log_t logger;

static uint8_t app_buf[ APP_BUFFER_SIZE ] = { 0 };
static int32_t app_buf_len = 0;

 * @brief Test clearing application buffer.
 * @details This function clears memory of application buffer and reset its length.
 * @note None.
static void opto7_clear_app_buf ( void );

 * @brief Test log application buffer.
 * @details This function logs data from application buffer to USB UART.
 * @note None.
static void opto7_log_app_buf ( void );

 * @brief Test data reading function.
 * @details This function reads data from device and concatenates data to application buffer. 
 * @param[in] ctx : Click context object.
 * See #opto7_t object definition for detailed explanation.
 * @return @li @c  0 - Read some data.
 *         @li @c -1 - Nothing is read.
 * See #err_t definition for detailed explanation.
 * @note None.
static err_t opto7_process ( opto7_t *ctx );

void application_init ( void ) 
    log_cfg_t log_cfg;  /**< Logger config object. */
    opto7_cfg_t opto7_cfg;  /**< Click config object. */

     * Logger initialization.
     * Default baud rate: 115200
     * Default log level: LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
     * @note If USB_UART_RX and USB_UART_TX 
     * are defined as HAL_PIN_NC, you will 
     * need to define them manually for log to work. 
     * See @b LOG_MAP_USB_UART macro definition for detailed explanation.
    LOG_MAP_USB_UART( log_cfg );
    log_init( &logger, &log_cfg );
    log_info( &logger, " Application Init " );
    // Click initialization.
    opto7_cfg_setup( &opto7_cfg );
    OPTO7_MAP_MIKROBUS( opto7_cfg, MIKROBUS_1 );
    opto7_drv_interface_selection( &opto7_cfg, OPTO7_DRV_SEL_GPIO );
    opto7_drv_interface_selection( &opto7_cfg, OPTO7_DRV_SEL_UART );
    if ( UART_ERROR == opto7_init( &opto7, &opto7_cfg ) ) 
        log_error( &logger, " Communication init." );
        for ( ; ; );
    log_info( &logger, " Application Task " );

void application_task ( void ) 
    log_printf( &logger, " GP1 pin state HIGH \r\n" );
    opto7_set_gp1_pin( &opto7, OPTO7_PIN_STATE_HIGH );
     if ( OPTO7_PIN_STATE_HIGH == opto7_get_gp2_pin( &opto7 ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " GP2 pin state HIGH \r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " GP2 pin state LOW \r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, "- - - - - - - - - - - -\r\n" );
    Delay_ms( 5000 );
    log_printf( &logger, " GP1 pin state LOW \r\n" );
    opto7_set_gp1_pin( &opto7, OPTO7_PIN_STATE_LOW );
    if ( OPTO7_PIN_STATE_HIGH == opto7_get_gp2_pin( &opto7 ) )
        log_printf( &logger, " GP2 pin state HIGH \r\n" );
        log_printf( &logger, " GP2 pin state LOW \r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, "- - - - - - - - - - - -\r\n" );
    Delay_ms( 5000 );
#if defined TRANSMITTER
    log_printf( &logger, " Message sent! \r\n" );
    opto7_generic_write( &opto7, TX_MESSAGE, strlen( TX_MESSAGE ) );
    Delay_ms( 2000 );
    if ( OPTO7_OK == opto7_process( &opto7 ) ) 
        opto7_log_app_buf( );
        opto7_clear_app_buf( );


void main ( void ) 
    application_init( );

    for ( ; ; ) 
        application_task( );

static void opto7_clear_app_buf ( void ) 
    memset( app_buf, 0, app_buf_len );
    app_buf_len = 0;

static void opto7_log_app_buf ( void )
    for ( int32_t buf_cnt = 0; buf_cnt < app_buf_len; buf_cnt++ )
        log_printf( &logger, "%c", app_buf[ buf_cnt ] );

static err_t opto7_process ( opto7_t *ctx ) 
    uint8_t rx_buf[ PROCESS_BUFFER_SIZE ] = { 0 };
    int32_t overflow_bytes = 0;
    int32_t rx_cnt = 0;
    int32_t rx_size = opto7_generic_read( ctx, rx_buf, PROCESS_BUFFER_SIZE );
    if ( ( rx_size > 0 ) && ( rx_size <= APP_BUFFER_SIZE ) ) 
        if ( ( app_buf_len + rx_size ) > APP_BUFFER_SIZE ) 
            overflow_bytes = ( app_buf_len + rx_size ) - APP_BUFFER_SIZE;
            app_buf_len = APP_BUFFER_SIZE - rx_size;
            memmove ( app_buf, &app_buf[ overflow_bytes ], app_buf_len );
            memset ( &app_buf[ app_buf_len ], 0, overflow_bytes );
        for ( rx_cnt = 0; rx_cnt < rx_size; rx_cnt++ ) 
            if ( rx_buf[ rx_cnt ] ) 
                app_buf[ app_buf_len++ ] = rx_buf[ rx_cnt ];
        return OPTO7_OK;
    return OPTO7_ERROR;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END

Additional Support


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