30 min

Read and decode barcodes quickly and accurately with EM3080-W and PIC18F2515

Simplify inventory control and asset tracking

Barcode 2 Click with EasyPIC v8

Published Nov 01, 2023

Click board™

Barcode 2 Click

Dev Board

EasyPIC v8


NECTO Studio



Experience the future of data capture with our barcode scanner, where precision and speed drive operational excellence



Hardware Overview

How does it work?

Barcode 2 Click is based on the EM3080-W, a barcode decoder chip that delivers superior performance and solid reliability with low power consumption from Newland Auto-ID Tech. Co., Ltd. This barcode scanner module is designed to quickly scan the barcode or QRcode data and send the information to the host MCU or PC. It features excellent near-field reading, wide-viewing angle, and snappy reading; it also offers stunning performance in decoding poor-quality and damaged barcodes. The advanced technology incorporated in the EM3080-W helps reduce its power consumption and prolong its service life. The EM3080-W scanner module uses a flat cable to connect to the Click board™ via the FPC Connector located on the top side of the PCB. This flat cable carries all the signals between the EM3080-W module and the host MCU, such as the RX, TX, buzzer, USB, LED, reset, and scanning trigger lines. Barcode 2 Click communicates with MCU using the UART interface at 9600 bps as its default communication protocol, but it is also

equipped with a micro USB port; thus, it can work both as a standalone device and a standard Click board. When the Click board™ is placed into the mikroBUS™ socket, it can exchange data via the standard mikroBUS™ RX and TX pins. Additional functionality, Reset and Scan Trigger push-buttons are provided and routed at RST and PWM pins of the mikroBUS™ socket labeled as RST and TRG used to control the device when working as a standalone device. Both lines, alongside the EM3080-W scanner module, are powered with TLV70033DDCT, low IQ LDO, which at its output gives a voltage of 3.3 V, and which at its input can receive a 5V from mikroBUS™ or can be powered from the micro USB connector. This Click board™ also features the CMT-8540S-SMT magnetic buzzer controlled by the EM3080-W for audible signalization and notification. You can create different sound patterns using the Sound library supported in our compilers. Signal frequency determines the sound pitch, and the duty cycle determines the amplitude (sound volume).

Pressing the onboard TRIG button or pulling the PWM pin of the mikroBUS™ to a LOW logic level for at least 10ms will trigger the barcode scan. A short beep sound and the Barcode Detection LED Indicator (GR) blink will indicate a successful barcode decoding. After releasing the TRIG line, the device will send the decoded information to the selected interface. The RST button is used to reset the device. Pressing the RST button or pulling the RST line to a LOW logic level for 100us to 500us will cause a device reset, followed by the greeting message sound. It should be noted that the device should not be reset too frequently; at least 2 seconds delay should exist between the reset cycles. This Click board™ can be operated only with a 5V logic voltage level. The board must perform appropriate logic voltage level conversion before using MCUs with different logic levels. Also, it comes equipped with a library containing functions and an example code that can be used as a reference for further development.

Barcode 2 Click hardware overview image

Features overview

Development board

EasyPIC v8 is a development board specially designed for the needs of rapid development of embedded applications. It supports many high pin count 8-bit PIC microcontrollers from Microchip, regardless of their number of pins, and a broad set of unique functions, such as the first-ever embedded debugger/programmer. The development board is well organized and designed so that the end-user has all the necessary elements, such as switches, buttons, indicators, connectors, and others, in one place. Thanks to innovative manufacturing technology, EasyPIC v8 provides a fluid and immersive working experience, allowing access anywhere and under any

circumstances at any time. Each part of the EasyPIC v8 development board contains the components necessary for the most efficient operation of the same board. In addition to the advanced integrated CODEGRIP programmer/debugger module, which offers many valuable programming/debugging options and seamless integration with the Mikroe software environment, the board also includes a clean and regulated power supply module for the development board. It can use a wide range of external power sources, including a battery, an external 12V power supply, and a power source via the USB Type-C (USB-C) connector.

Communication options such as USB-UART, USB DEVICE, and CAN are also included, including the well-established mikroBUS™ standard, two display options (graphical and character-based LCD), and several different DIP sockets. These sockets cover a wide range of 8-bit PIC MCUs, from the smallest PIC MCU devices with only eight up to forty pins. EasyPIC v8 is an integral part of the Mikroe ecosystem for rapid development. Natively supported by Mikroe software tools, it covers many aspects of prototyping and development thanks to a considerable number of different Click boards™ (over a thousand boards), the number of which is growing every day.

EasyPIC v8 horizontal image

Microcontroller Overview

MCU Card / MCU




MCU Memory (KB)


Silicon Vendor


Pin count


RAM (Bytes)


Used MCU Pins

mikroBUS™ mapper

Scan Trigger
Power Supply

Take a closer look

Click board™ Schematic

Barcode 2 Click Schematic schematic

Step by step

Project assembly

EasyPIC v8 front image hardware assembly

Start by selecting your development board and Click board™. Begin with the EasyPIC v8 as your development board.

EasyPIC v8 front image hardware assembly
Rotary B 2 Click front image hardware assembly
MCU DIP 28 hardware assembly
EasyPIC v8 28pin-DIP - upright/background hardware assembly
Necto image step 2 hardware assembly
Necto image step 3 hardware assembly
Necto image step 4 hardware assembly
NECTO Compiler Selection Step Image hardware assembly
NECTO Output Selection Step Image hardware assembly
Necto image step 6 hardware assembly
Necto DIP image step 7 hardware assembly
Necto image step 8 hardware assembly
Necto image step 9 hardware assembly
Necto image step 10 hardware assembly
Necto PreFlash Image hardware assembly

Track your results in real time

Application Output

This Click board can be interfaced and monitored in two ways:

  • Application Output - Use the "Application Output" window in Debug mode for real-time data monitoring. Set it up properly by following this tutorial.

Software Support

Library Description

This library contains API for Barcode 2 Click driver.

Key functions:

  • barcode2_enable_scaning - The function enables or disables barcode scaning depending on state parametar value

  • barcode2_process - The general process of collecting data the module sends

Open Source

Code example

The complete application code and a ready-to-use project are available through the NECTO Studio Package Manager for direct installation in the NECTO Studio. The application code can also be found on the MIKROE GitHub account.

 * \file 
 * \brief Barcode2 Click example
 * # Description
 * This example reads and processes data from Barcode 2 clicks.
 * The demo application is composed of two sections :
 * ## Application Init 
 * Initializes the UART driver used for communication and another UART bus used 
 * for data logging.
 * ## Application Task  
 * This is an example that demonstrates the use of the Barcode 2 Click board.
 * First, it enables scanning and waits up to 10 seconds for the barcode to be detected.
 * If the barcode or QR Code is detected, it displays its content to the USB UART.
 * After that, disables scanning for 3 seconds.
 * Results are being sent to the Usart Terminal where you can track their changes.
 * ## Additional Function
 * - barcode2_process ( ) - The general process of collecting data the module sends.
 * \author MikroE Team
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDES

#include "board.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "barcode2.h"
#include "string.h"


// ------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES

static barcode2_t barcode2;
static log_t logger;
static char current_parser_buf[ PROCESS_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE ];

// ------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS

static void barcode2_process ( void )
    int32_t rsp_size;
    uint16_t rsp_cnt = 0;
    char uart_rx_buffer[ PROCESS_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ] = { 0 };
    uint16_t check_buf_cnt;
    uint8_t process_cnt = PROCESS_COUNTER;

    // Clear parser buffer
    memset( current_parser_buf, 0, PROCESS_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE ); 
    while( process_cnt != 0 )
        rsp_size = barcode2_generic_read( &barcode2, &uart_rx_buffer, PROCESS_RX_BUFFER_SIZE );

        if ( rsp_size >0 )
            // Validation of the received data
            for ( check_buf_cnt = 0; check_buf_cnt < rsp_size; check_buf_cnt++ )
                if ( uart_rx_buffer[ check_buf_cnt ] == 0 ) 
                    uart_rx_buffer[ check_buf_cnt ] = 13;
            // Storages data in parser buffer
            rsp_cnt += rsp_size;
            if ( rsp_cnt < PROCESS_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE )
                strncat( current_parser_buf, uart_rx_buffer, rsp_size );
            process_cnt = 3;
            // Clear RX buffer
            memset( uart_rx_buffer, 0, PROCESS_RX_BUFFER_SIZE );
            // Process delay 
            Delay_100ms( );
    if ( rsp_cnt > 0 )
        if ( rsp_cnt > 80 )
            log_printf( &logger, " QR Code:\r\n%s", current_parser_buf );
            log_printf( &logger, " Barcode: %s", current_parser_buf );
        log_printf( &logger, "\r\n------------------------\r\n" );

// ------------------------------------------------------ APPLICATION FUNCTIONS

void application_init ( void )
    log_cfg_t log_cfg;
    barcode2_cfg_t cfg;

     * Logger initialization.
     * Default baud rate: 115200
     * Default log level: LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
     * @note If USB_UART_RX and USB_UART_TX 
     * are defined as HAL_PIN_NC, you will 
     * need to define them manually for log to work. 
     * See @b LOG_MAP_USB_UART macro definition for detailed explanation.
    LOG_MAP_USB_UART( log_cfg );
    log_init( &logger, &log_cfg );
    log_info( &logger, "---- Application Init ----" );

    //  Click initialization.

    barcode2_cfg_setup( &cfg );
    barcode2_init( &barcode2, &cfg );
    Delay_ms ( 100 );

void application_task ( void )
    log_printf( &logger, "   Scanning enabled   \r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, "------------------------\r\n" );
    barcode2_enable_scaning( &barcode2, BARCODE2_ENABLE );
    barcode2_process(  );

    barcode2_enable_scaning( &barcode2, BARCODE2_DISABLE );
    log_printf( &logger, "   Scanning disabled   \r\n" );
    log_printf( &logger, "------------------------\r\n" );
    Delay_ms( 3000 );

void main ( void )
    application_init( );

    for ( ; ; )
        application_task( );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END

Additional Support


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